Neighbourhood Watch

Emergency ? dial 999

🔹 offenders are nearby  🔹 life is at risk  🔹 injury is caused or threatened  🔹 crime or disorder is in progress


Non-Emergencies ? dial 101

Examples include

🔹 minor traffic collision 🔹 if your property has been damaged 🔹 if your car has been stolen 🔹 if you suspect drug dealing 🔹 if you have been burgled and there are no offenders on scene 🔹 if you have witnessed a crime 🔹 if you have information about criminals in your local area 🔹 if you have seen a missing person 🔹 if you need crime prevention advice

You can fined more information about West Mercial Police at –

Your local Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator

Jean Mills. Tel 01886 888475, email:

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is the largest voluntary organisation in the country and is playing an increasingly important role in helping to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The objective of Neighbourhood Watch is to promote public participation in the development of a safer and healthier environment. The partnership involves the police, encompasses several support agencies, and covers a wide range of quality of life issues. 

Little Witley Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is part of the West Mercia Martley and Tenbury team within the Malvern Hills Community Safety Partnership and the team operates out of Tenbury Police Station. This team can be contacted via 101 or by emailing

In the event of an incident, the control centre will direct the closest member of the police response team to attend – all vehicles have tracker equipment.

The Little Witley Neighbourhood Watch Scheme covers every household in the village and is supported by our Parish Council. We are part of the Malvern Hills District Neighbourhood Watch Association.

You Can Make a Difference

The idea of the Neighbourhood Watch is just that – to contribute by watching and passing on information that could be helpful to the police, our neighbours or both.  It is NOT to accost possible or actual villains. We can make a vital difference to community well-being by being observant, noting strange activities/incidents and reporting them.

The Community / Police Partnership In The Tenbury Policing Area
The effectiveness of the police is closely tied into the intelligence input from the community. The recent cutback in police resources makes the community contribution even more vital and we must ensure that there is good two-way communication. Neighbourhood Watch is an organisation dedicated to doing just that, with an objective to promote public participation in the development of a safer and healthier environment.

Locally we need to help and inform our neighbours, and to pass on and respond to information received from your Parish Coordinator. Information is fed into our network from the new Police system called Community Messaging System (CMS); our local Police Team; members of our community; and from other parish networks in our area.

Our role is to be observant and to report to the police any incident or suspicious activity by dialling 101, and whenever possible providing vehicle numbers and identity details. It is also helpful to inform Jean Mills, the parish Neighbourhood Watch coordinator, who can disseminate the information on to members of the wider network.

All householders registered with the Little Witley Neighbourhood Watch Scheme will receive incident reports via emails.

It is the largest patch in the Malvern Hills District, covering 200 sq.miles of rural Worcestershire. The crime rate within the Little Witley area is generally very low but following the national trend we have seen an increase in thefts from outbuildings. The police appreciate all the information that we can provide in helping them to resolve these thefts and prevent further incidents. I receive police crime reports from our group co-ordinator which I check every day to ensure that the messages get to you as soon as possible. I have 84 household email contacts and am looking to increase this number. If you know of any new residents do mention our scheme to them and give them my contact number or email. If you change your email address do remember to let me have the new one.

Thank you all for being vigilant and continuing to help in keeping the incidents of crime as low as possible.

Helpful Police tips for securing outbuildings-

🔹 metal up-and-over doors can be secured with additional purpose made locks to it either side
🔹 an external floor mounted, solid steel locking ‘T’ bar with a closed shackle padlock, offering a good visual deterrent
🔹 wooden garage double doors can be secured with two substantial hasps and staples and closed shackle padlocks, one towards the top and one towards the bottom
🔹 garage side or rear doors can be secured with British Standard 5-lever mortise locks and two internal mortise rack bolts, one towards the top and one towards the bottom
🔹 shed doors can be secured with two substantial hasps and staples and two closed shackle padlocks on the outside, one toward the top and one towards the bottom. External hinge screws should be replaced with one way clutch head screws to prevent them being removed
🔹 garage and shed windows can be secured with internal diamond mesh grilles, which provide a good visual deterrent
🔹 garden tools and ladders should be secured by wrapping a substantial chain around them and padlocking them to an eyebolt which has been secured to the floor or wall.
🔹 tools and garden implements should be visibly property marked with the property postcode and house name or number

For more information on securing outbuildings, please visit –